Have a Happier 2020 With These Small TIps – Xylichew

Have a Happier 2020 With These Small TIps

Posted by Natures Stance on


The first month of the year is the perfect time to reprioritize your life and set goals for the months to come. This year, fill your resolution list with easy, good-for-you goals. Try one of these simple lifestyle tweaks each day, and you'll jumpstart a healthier body and mind!




Cook one new thing each week.

Everyone wants to eat healthier in the new year, but you should also try to eat more diverse foods. Pick out an easy dinner recipe you've never tried before at least once a week.

Become a plant owner.

The presence of indoor plants can lower human stress levels. When people work near plants, they report greater concentration, satisfaction, and perceived air quality.

Learn a new skill.

Physical exercise keeps your body healthy, and mental exercise is key to keeping your mind sharp. Trying something new can boost memory skills and more. 

Break a sweat.

Regular exercise doesn't just make you physically healthy but also improves your mood, stimulates creativity, enhances memory and increases your productivity. Just 10 minutes a day is good enough to reap it's health benefits.


Drink Up.

Water is the healthiest drink for your smile and your body. It helps flush teeth clean and discourages tooth decay. Bottled water often comes from a source where the fluoride levels are not monitored or contain no fluoride at all. A healthy level of fluoride promotes tooth health and discourages decay.





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